Gekko cartoon, liggend op zijn rug met zijn armen gespreid

Our mission

What is Terrafile?

Terrafile is an innovative online administration system specifically developed for herpetoculture. It offers hobbyists and breeders a user-friendly way to manage and document their animals, such as reptiles and amphibians. With Terrafile, animals can be easily added, transferred to other owners, and offspring can be directly linked to their parents. This ensures that all documentation is always up-to-date and complies with the regulations regarding the administration of CITES A and B animals.

Our mission and goals

At Terrafile, our mission is clear and ambitious: we aim to harmonize the rules for administering and registering terrarium animals, first in Europe and then worldwide, for all countries and continents that have signed the CITES convention. Currently, we see too much variation and inconsistency in the regulations regarding terrarium animals in Europe, despite the unity that our continent strives for. Our goal is to streamline this diversity of regulations and establish a uniform standard. This will not only facilitate enforcement but also increase clarity for all stakeholders, including hobbyists, governments, and authorities.

With a uniform standard, it will be easier for enforcement agencies to track, control, and protect animals. It also provides clarity to hobbyists about the applicable rules, regardless of their location within Europe. This will not only enhance harmony within the European terrarium community but also serve as a blueprint for other countries and continents to implement similar measures.

In addition, we pursue several key goals within herpetoculture:

1. Reducing administrative burden: We want to make it as easy as possible for hobbyists and breeders to maintain their animal administration. Our platform takes much of the hassle out of it, so you have more time to enjoy your hobby.

2. Increasing transparency in the hobby: We are committed to a transparent and responsible herpetoculture. By properly recording the data of the animals, more clarity is created about the origin and welfare of the animals within the hobby.

3. Data collection for better insights: Collecting data, such as the number of offspring, contributes to a better understanding of the population and health of animals in captivity. This data can help protect and improve the hobby.

At Terrafile, we believe that achieving our mission will have a positive impact on nature conservation and the welfare of terrarium animals worldwide. By working together on a strong, transparent, and well-organized herpetoculture, where both the hobbyist and the animals are central, we strive to promote and safeguard harmony between humans and nature.

Krokodil cartoon, staande op een skateboard en een zonnebril op zijn neus

Our vision

Our vision at Terrafile is simple but powerful: we strive for every terrarium hobbyist, anywhere in the world, to be able to carry out his administration of terrarium animals in the same standardized and digital way. In this digital age, we believe that these administrative processes can be digitized safely, quickly and responsibly, accessible to anyone passionate about the hobby.

It is our ambition to make Terrafile as cost-efficient as possible, so that it is accessible to everyone. Our vision includes the belief that this service should eventually be freely available to everyone through Terrafile. This is an integral part of our wider mission to promote uniform registration standards for terrarium animals, not only within Europe but worldwide.

By pursuing this vision, we not only want to contribute to the harmonization of the hobby, but also support the terrarium community in managing their animals responsibly. Together we are working towards a future in which managing terrarium animals is simple, affordable and accessible to everyone.

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